AR Kidney Hospitals

Explore Our Departments

We provide comprehensive treatment for all types diseases under one roof. Our highly experienced doctors supported by especially trained clinical staff, ensure the best care for you.

Cystoscope & Urethroscope

To perform examinations and operations by looking directly into the urethra , prostate and Bladder.

Also used for Therapeutic procedures.


To operate on prostate gland through urethra and without incision.

Bipolar TURP also called saline TURP is done in select cases.

HOLEP and THULEP are advanced treatment options offered in our centre.

These are helpful in treating patients with Heart and kidney related problems.


procedure to cut  Stricture urethra segment endoscopically.

Ideal for short segment strictures.


The Flexible Ureteroscope looks directly into the ureter and the internal parts of the kidney through the bladder  .

This helps to avoid puncture into the kidney in select cases.


To perform examinations and operations by directly viewing  the stone and  internal parts of the kidney.

Ultrasonic lithotripsy

To dissolve kidney and  bladder  stones without surgery.

This uses ultrasound energy to break the stone into small fragments . These fragments will pass through urinary system. 


Cystometry Uroflowmetry

To check the pressure in the bladder and the flow of urine.

Helpfull to find cure for nurogenic  bladders and spinal cord injured patients.

Kidney Disease in Pregnancy

Kidney Transplantation

AR Kidny Hospitals

We always give you better service.

We provide comprehensive treatment for all types diseases under one roof. Our highly experienced doctors supported by especially trained clinical staff, ensure the best care for you.

Our Labs


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique that uses a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues in your body.


Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing. Ultrasound is not different from "normal" sound in its physical properties, except that humans cannot hear it.


Digital radiography is a form of radiography that uses x-ray–sensitive plates to directly capture data during the patient examination, immediately transferring it to a computer system without the use of an intermediate cassette.


Electrocardiography is the process of producing an electrocardiogram, a recording of the heart's electrical activity. It is an electrogram of the heart which is a graph of voltage versus time of the electrical activity of the heart using electrodes placed on the skin.