Kidney Transplantation

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure to transplant a kidney organ at kidney transplant centers in Nellore. The Kidneys which are not functioning admirably are changed in that frame of mind through a kidney from a benefactor.

People who have graduated from dialysis have received this treatment. The process of getting a kidney transplant can help a patient get off dialysis, and in some cases, if you have kidney failure and can’t get a transplant, only dialysis can keep you alive. The blood is cleaned by dialysis by getting rid of waste products like urea.

What Happens When Kidneys Fail?

Due to the accumulation of a large amount of waste in the body, it can cause several other issues, including

The heart, brain, and skeleton can all be harmed, or even killed by any of these.

A kidney transplant may be an option in the event that your kidneys have completely stopped functioning. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) or end-stage kidney disease is the name given to this condition. The best doctors for kidney transplantation in Nellore will perform a kidney transplant on the patient if dialysis does not produce satisfactory results. At kidney transplantation hospitals in Nellore, the person undergoing a kidney transplant must be healthy enough to take all of the medications after the surgery. A kidney transplant may be risky or fail if the patient has a serious underlying medical condition. These grave circumstances include:

What are the possible problems after a kidney transplant?

It may take up to three weeks for the donated kidney to produce urine before it starts functioning normally. If your new kidney doesn’t work right away, you’ll need to get dialysis to get rid of waste, fluid, and additional salts from your body.