Kidney Stones

Minerals and salts found in the kidney or urinary tract make up kidney stones, which are hard deposits. They occur when the volume of the urine decreases or when there are too many substances in the urine that can form stones. Dehydration is the leading risk factor for kidney stone formation, which must be treated at the best kidney stone treatment centers in Nellore. flank pain and hematuria, or blood in the urine,

Kidney stones can occur in people who have certain medical conditions like gout or who take certain supplements or medications. Diet and genetics also play a role in the formation of stones.

Why are kidney stones a concern?

Stones don’t always stay in the kidney because they sometimes move into the ureters from the kidney. Because ureters are so small and delicate, stones may be too big to pass easily down them to the bladder.

Stones that travel down the ureter can cause spasms and irritation. As a result, the urine contains blood.

These stones can sometimes block the flow of urine. A urinary obstruction is the term for this. Kidney damage and infection are both possible outcomes of urinary obstructions.

The Best doctors for kidney stones in Nellore should tailor treatment for kidney stones in Nellore to each patient based on a variety of factors, including the location and size of the stones.

We provide patients with kidney stones with a comprehensive treatment plan that includes both the most up-to-date technology for treatment and the prevention of stone formation.